Strawberry Oatmeal

Ryan Eckles, Project Bread

School Breakfast

School Breakfast Recipe

Strawberry Oatmeal

This strawberry oatmeal packs in that berry flavor three different ways! We use some blended with our liquid, some chopped and cooked with the oatmeal, and more strawberries as garnish! Oatmeal is a great breakfast option because it is easy to make, easy to portion, and quick to serve on the line or for grab-and-go. If you have non-dairy milks you can use those.




3 gallons Milk (1%)

1 quart Water

12 oz butter

2.25 cups Maple Syrup or 3 cups brown sugar

9 pounds Oats (rolled, dry)

6 pounds Strawberries frozen (defrosted)

2 tsp cinnamon

1 Tbsp salt


  1. Puree ⅓ of strawberries with some of the liquid then mix all water, milk, and strawberry puree together.
  2. In steam kettle or tilt skillet bring water and strawberry milk to a boil and lower to medium heat. Meanwhile, chop remaining strawberries.
  3. Add the butter, maple syrup, cinnamon, and salt to heated liquids and stir until dissolved. Then add the oats and 3 pounds chopped strawberries and stir constantly for 5-8 minutes until it begins to thicken.
  4. Reduce heat and stir until desired consistency. Taste for sweetness and strawberry flavor.  
  5. Transfer to four (4) 2.5” hotel pans and hold at 135 degrees for service. Scoop 6oz serving and garnish with some strawberries.


Calories: 250 calories Saturated Fat: 2.37g  Sodium: 104.67 mg  Carbohydrate: 36.8 g 

* nutrient data and allergen information may vary depending on the specific ingredients and equipment used in your location.

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