Shawarma Spice Mix

Ryan Eckles, Project Bread

School Lunch

School Lunch Recipe: Beef Tips

Shawarma Spice Mix

Make a big batch of this versatile Middle Eastern spice blend to have on hand for everything from chicken, beef, and lamb to vegetables and even chickpeas. The dry ingredients can be mixed with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and lemon to make a marinade whenever you need it.

shawarma spice mix

Yield: 3 ¾ cups


½ cup cumin
½ cup coriander
½ cup paprika
½ cup turmeric
½ cup clove
1/4 cup cinnamon
1 cup garlic powder
1/8 cup cayenne pepper
(per 1 ½ lbs of meat)
2 Tbsp of Shawarma Spice Mix
¼ cup vegetable oil
¼ cup vinegar
1 lemon, squeezed juice + zest
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper


Mix all spices together. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry area.

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