Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese

Ryan Eckles, Project Bread

School Breakfast


Garden Vegetable Cream Cheese

This is a classic! We love a fresh garden vegetable cream cheese. This recipe is very simple and a great way to practice some knife skills by chopping the bell pepper and green onion into small pieces. If you use the bagged shredded carrot, we suggest giving them a good chop. Pair this with a bagel or toast, as a spread in sandwiches and wraps, or a simple dip with veggie sticks and crackers.

YIELD: 100 servings, 1 oz. portions


 6 lbs cream cheese

1 ¾ cup bell pepper, finely chopped

1 ¾ cup carrot, grated

1 ¾ cup green onion, thinly sliced

¼ cup + 1 Tbsp garlic powder

¼ cup + 1 Tbsp ground celery seed

1 Tbsp Kosher salt

1 Tbsp ground black pepper


  1. Grind celery seed (if necessary). Add finely chopped peppers, grated carrot, diced scallion, cream cheese, garlic, salt, and pepper to food processor or stand mixer and mix until thoroughly combined. Taste for seasoning.
  2. Transfer to container and store in refrigerator for up to a week.


Calories 33 calories Saturated Fat .18g Sodium 240 mg Carbohydrate 2.9 g

* nutrient data and allergen information may vary depending on the specific ingredients and equipment used in your location.

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