Many employers and companies offer a matching gift program to not only encourage their employees to support causes they care by doubling—or sometimes even tripling—their charitable donations. Some even match donations made by a spouse or a retiree.
Simply complete your employer's matching gift form—online or paper. Every dollar you give will take hunger out of the equation for low-income children and families in Massachusetts to help them thrive.
Our EIN is 04-2931195 if you need any further information please contact our Matching Gifts Coordinator, at or 617-723-5000.
You can also send us your completed employer matching gift form, and we can take care of the rest:
Project Bread The Walk for Hunger
Attn: Matching Gifts Coordinator
145 Border Street
East Boston, MA 02128
Did you know that your employer and your donors' employers can make matching gifts that count toward your Walk fundraising total, and that some employers will match volunteer hours? To ensure that these employer matching gifts count toward your Walk fundraising total, include them on your registration form or in your online Walk Center.
If you register online: Include all of the matching gifts you expect from your own employer and your donors’ employers in “Offline Gifts Received.”
If you register offline: Include all of the matching gifts you expect from your own employer and your donors’ employers in the “Matching Gifts” column of your pledge sheet, and in the fundraising totals box on the registration form.