Feed Kids MA
Families with kids across Massachusetts are struggling to keep food on the table as inflation and food costs remain high. During this time of continued economic uncertainty, the School Meals for All program, passed by the legislature in the state budget, has been a lifeline for families. It is because of School Meals for All that an additional 80,000 kids are eating lunch at school every day. But the legislature is currently deciding whether to make the program permanent and as the advocates behind School Meals for All, we need your help this week.
Join us for the Feed Kids Campaign Week of Action to show legislators why School Meals for All needs to become permanent.
Every day this week there is a new way for you to get involved and support the Feed Kids Campaign during our Week of Action to show legislators why School Meals for All needs to become permanent.
Your participation in Action Week can make or break the fight for School Meals for All. Let us ensure that kids are always fed and ready to learn without worrying about the cost or stigma associated with accessing school meals.
Join Project Bread at our virtual Lobby Day to call your legislators and advocate for School Meals for All.
Governor Healey’s supplemental budget proposed $65M in additional funding to continue School Meals for All through this school year. This proposal was passed by the House and the Senate.
Join Project Bread and the Feed Kids Coalition for a Twitter Chat at 12pm to share & discuss how we can address childhood hunger by starting with what happens in schools.
Learn more about how you can support the Feed Kids Campaign to make School Meals for All permanent in Massachusetts